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Mobile libraries and movie theaters

The Nomadic Education Administration with the collaboration of the Institute for Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults (Kanoon Parvaresh) and UNICEF launched a number of 7 mobile libraries. In order to improve the knowledge of nomadic students, the librarians were assigned to distribute books and other publications. There were also mobile movie theaters to play motion pictures for the nomadic people.

These two facilities as well as Nomadic Midwife Training Institute, Rural Clinician Training Center, Veterinarian Training Center, Middle School Teacher Training Center, Vocational Training Centers, etc. were closed permanently in 1982 after the merger of Nomadic Education Administration.

The official website of Mohammad Bahmanbeigi
(The Founder od Iran's Nomadic education)

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Excecutive Director : Pouria Bordbarmanesh
Graphic Deigner : Ghazal Parizad
Website Developer : Farbod Tavakoli

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